Welcome to Little Venezia!*

You're here forever, and remember, Sneedeca is watching!

* No retards, commies, pedos, Jews, minorities, nor w*men allowed.

“Do the sneedful!”

DISCLAIMER: This site is no longer being maintained and serves as a community archive for Little Venezia, as the server has since been deleted.

Our community can still be found on telegram and on a splinter server on discord.

Little Venezia was a right-wing history server on Discord.
The primary exports were memetic art, history essay posts, "intellectual" conversation and debate, random screenshots, Seneca quotes, and last but certainly not least, memes.

The Gallery of Little Venezia




Server Culture

The Scholars’ Domain

Pre-history of Little Venezia

The Dovah Period

Foundation and Propagation of Little Venezia

On-going History of Little Venezia

Summary of Little Venezian History

The Lexerate Saga

Venezian Election

Venezian Art Contest

Death of Little Venezia

Website last updated X. Changes can be found here.