The Lexerate Saga


Lexerate, or also known by his pseudonym Chuckles, is one of the oldfags from the Dovah period. He is known for his great laughter, hence his pseudonym, particularly for when he allegedly laughed on voice call for three straight days as the Domvs began to decline. His card from this time is also seen on the not found page. Seneca was the friend of Lexerate at this time which led him to defend Lexerate later on.

Initial Ban

Pizza became particularly irritated with Lexerate in a voice call when he "jokingly" said he would report the server if he was disconnected from the voice call as an empty threat at the time to cover for his obnoxiousness. After Lexerate was disconnected, Pizza, in a somewhat panicked state, hastily banned him before Lexerate could have any recourse. This decision was not received well by Seneca at the time, as he then petitioned for a recourse on these events. A server vote was held to determine whether Chuckles should be allowed back into the server; an even split of eight votes was cast on both sides. This ambivalence culminated in the third option Pizza had in mind in case of this kind of split: a trial.

Dismissed Trial

There was planned to be a trial on to whether Lexerate would be allowed to return based on the evidence held against him by the Little Venezian state. Seneca was going to defend Lexerate, and Nigmar was going to be the prosecution. I believe Harald was going to be the judge as he was a third party with no conflict of interest. However, most likely due to time constraints with real life and school work, the trial was indefinitely postponed, until rendered moot and dismissed for a private settlement Pizza and Seneca compromised on.

The following is an opening example from the prosecution that was later never used, as the trial was dismissed.

Revival of Lexerate

After a particular newfag pissed off Pizza, Seneca suggested a compromise for banning the newfag: the newfag's life for Chuckles. Presumably fed up with the newfag at the time, Pizza took Seneca up on that deal, and so Lexerate was brought back from the dead into the server. Lexerate, of course, now does what he does best in Little Venezia once more: post gay porn, be obnoxious in voice calls, and piss Pizza off.

In light of recent accusations, it is possible a ban of Lexerate will be in order for his ownership of a server with a concerning amount of members who are children in it, as Seneca noticed. Chuckles on 12/30/2022 at 4 to 5 AM (Pizza's time) was unsurprisingly banned for going insane and threatening to nuke the server, again! Some say he got trolled too hard giving Lexerate the benefit of the doubt, but in any case Pizza did not take the threat lightly, so Lexerate is banned for the forseeable future.

As well, the dear creator of this site, Nigmar, was assailed by Chuckles' threat against the server leading his temporary ban, and in this became a martyr and savior of the Little Venezian server.

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